Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Textual Tension

Texting... we all do it. But since when did texting become a replacement for a phone call? I've seen so many "relationships" start off as casual texts and then people wonder why they aren't talking on the phone. If you start off texting you can't expect to make the jump to phone conversations; you've already showed that you are okay with texting as communication. Text messaging should be used when you are pressed for time and can't have a conversation but just need a quick answer, such as "Meet you in 10 mins", 'Whats the intersection?", "Good luck with your interview", "What time is dinner?". Those are all brief statements and questions that require simple responses.
When you try to have a real conversation via text there is a lot of room for error and miscommunication in how a person interprets the message and the tone of it. Text messaging shouldn't be your only source of communication with people, but rather something in addition to your regular phone calls. Text messaging is an impersonal way of communicating... so think twice the next time you want to text someone you haven't talked to in a while.


  1. ...or you can look at the flip side...it is a quick way to let somebody know you are thinking of them. Maybe that quick thought serves as an extra degree to run a little faster, or work a little harder or maybe that smile that is dervied from a quick text is enough to prevent the receiver from fighting with their boss about the assignment that's due, whereas a phone call is not possible with the allocation of time in that moment...its about moments. I agree, text messages should not replace phone calls that are "due" or a verbal conversation that needs to be had...but isn't it wonderful that instead of holding that thought inside when we think of someone, that now we can let them know? Holla Atcha Boy.

  2. Better yet - i like people who text or talk on the cell phone while driving - THANK YOU AMERICA!
